由于蔬菜生产品种多、复种指数高 ,致使病虫的危害加剧 ,使得菜农滥用农药 ,造成了蔬菜上农药的高残留 ,而引起公害。为此 ,我们针对当前的蔬菜生产及消费上存在的一些问题 ,着力调查研究认为 ,解决这一矛盾的途径 ,应以优质时鲜、高产稳产 ,低耗低毒高效为中心 ,加强蔬菜栽培的技术开发与推广 ,并在政府的领导下 ,加强设施建设 ,增强环保意识 ,推进规模经营和“无公害”蔬菜的产业化
Due to the variety of vegetables and the high multiplying index, pests and diseases are exacerbated. Pesticides are abused by vegetable farmers, resulting in high residues of pesticides on vegetables, causing pollution. To this end, we focus on the current vegetable production and consumption of some problems, focus on the investigation and study that the way to solve this contradiction, should be high quality and fresh, high and stable yield, low consumption of low toxicity and high efficiency as the center, to strengthen the technology of vegetable cultivation Development and promotion, and under the leadership of the government, to strengthen the construction of facilities, enhance awareness of environmental protection and promote the industrialization of scale management and “pollution-free” vegetables