小麦一号病即小麦矮腥黑穗病(Tilletia controuersa kuhn)。自从1847年和1860年先后见于捷克和美国后°120多年后的现在,包括我国在内已有31个国家发生。并在部分地区给生产造成过严重损失。我国自1978年农业部组织有关专家来疆考察确认后,因为是国内首次发现的对外检疫对象,所以引起了各有关方面的深切关注。并就该病的适存性,流行规律等课题组织了协作研究,积极开展了田间和室内试验工作,以期能对该病有一个比较准确的认识,从而正确地指导当前的检疫工作。
Wheat one disease is Tilletia controuersa kuhn. Since the 1890s and 1860s, which have seen the Czech Republic and the United States more than 120 years later, 31 countries, including our own, have taken place. And in some areas have caused serious losses to production. Since 1978, when the Ministry of Agriculture organized relevant experts to visit and verify in Xinjiang, it was the object of foreign quarantine that was first discovered in China, which aroused the deep concern of all parties concerned. He also organized collaborative research on topics such as the suitability and prevalence of the disease and actively conducted field and laboratory experiments in order to have a more accurate understanding of the disease so as to correctly guide the current quarantine work.