
来源 :人民司法(案例) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alyue_wang
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【裁判要旨】外商投资企业股权转让预约合同的标的为将来订立特定股权转让合同的行为,如果没有直接变更股权的内容,无须经过外商投资企业审批机关的批准才能生效。案号一审:(2012)深中法涉外初字第4号二审:(2012)粤高法民四终字第114号再审:(2015)民提字第21号 The essence of the referee: The contract of the contract for the transfer of the equity investment of a foreign-invested enterprise shall be concluded as a future contract for the transfer of the equity interest without the approval of the examination and approval authority of the foreign-funded enterprise if the content of the equity has not been changed directly. Case No. First Instance: (2012) Shenzhen-China Court Foreign Trial No. 4 Second Trial: (2012) Yue Gao Fa Min Si Zong Zi No. 114 Retrial: (2015) Min Zi Zi No.21