
来源 :珠江现代建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivwyniqtd
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曲靖地区位于珠江和长江上游的分水岭上,是南盘江、北盘江的发源地。区内地形起伏,雨量充沛,有丰富的水利资源,全区水资源总量为160亿m~3,人均占有2900m~3;总面积32544.42km~2,其中山区面积为30519km~2,占总面积的93%;自然坡度在25°以上的面积达5303.4km~2,占土地总面积的16%;拥有耕地面积335333hm~2,其中旱地面积271333hm~2,占总耕地面积的80.9%。在这片美丽的红土地上,各族人民以他们的聪明才智和勤劳勇敢,致力于曲靖的开发和建设,使之成为云南省的粮食主产区,“滇东粮仓”由此得名。尤其建国以来,全区550万各族儿女相继扎扎实实地开展了三次大规模的水利建设,其所取得的巨大效益,更是为曲靖地区百业腾 Qujing is located in the Pearl River and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River watershed, Nanpanjiang, Beipanjiang birthplace. The area has abundant rainfall and abundant rainfall resources. The total water resources in the whole area is 16 billion m 3 and the average per capita area is 2900 m 3. The total area is 32544.42 km 2, of which, the mountainous area is 30,519 km 2, The area with natural slope above 25 ° amounts to 5303.4km ~ 2, accounting for 16% of the total land area. The cultivated land area is 335333hm ~ 2, of which the dry land area is 271333hm ~ 2, accounting for 80.9% of the total cultivated land area. In this beautiful red land, people of all nationalities with their intelligence and hard-working and brave, committed to the development and construction of Qujing, making it the main grain producing areas in Yunnan Province, name. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the 5.5 million children of all ethnic groups in the region have carried out three large-scale water conservancy projects in a down-to-earth manner. The tremendous benefits they have achieved are even greater
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山东南山职业技术学院是经山东省政府部门批准、由南山集团投资兴办的全日制普通高等院校。现有教职工886人,在校生12 000人。学院先后被授予全国职业教育先进单位、山东省
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