一单元教学总体设想 (一)教学目标 1.使学生了解旧中国劳动人民的悲惨命运,认识封建统治阶级的昏庸腐朽,学习红军战士对革命无限忠诚的崇高品质。 2.理解记叙文中人物描写、景物对刻画人物的作用,了解情节是文学作品的要素之一,掌握记叙文的基本阅读方法,并练习写作记叙文。 (二)教学重点 1.记叙文人物描写的基本知识。 2.记叙的顺序,记叙文的线索。
General Instruction for a Unit of Teaching (I) Teaching Objectives 1. To enable students to understand the tragic fate of the working people in old China, to understand the communism of the feudal ruling class, and to learn the lofty quality of the Red Army soldiers’ infinite loyalty to the revolution. 2. Understand the characters’ description in narrative texts and the role of scenery in characterizing characters. Understanding the plot is one of the elements of a literary work, mastering the basic reading methods of narrative texts, and practicing writing narratives. (b) teaching focus 1. Narrative characters describe the basic knowledge. 2. Narrative sequence, narrative clues.