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  I. Introduction
  Securitisation was developed in the US during the 1960’s as part of a public policy initiative to make more funds available for residential mortgage loans. Asset securitisation came to Europe in the early 1990’s, but issues and volumes have only increased significantly since 1997/1998. Compared to the volume of the worldwide Asset Backed Securities market being estimated today at 7, 000 bn USD , the size of the European ABS market still remains relatively modest. Adding up European gross issues of the last five years, the overall ABS market amounts to approximately 550 bn Euro, representing less than 10% of the global market. Securitisation can be defined as the process whereby loans, receivables and other financial assets are pooled together, with their cash flows or economic values redirected to support payments on related securities. These so called “sset-backed securities”(ABS) are issued and sold to investors who use securitisation to finance their business activities. The financial assets that support payments on ABS include any asset that has a reasonably ascertainable value or that generates a reasonably predictable future stream of revenue. Those assets are residential and commercial mortgage loans (residential mortgage backed securities or RMBS and commercial backed securities or CMBS) as well as non-mortgage assets such as credit card balances, consumer loans, trade receivables etc.
  1. Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS)
  A variety of funding instruments is used in mortgage business in Europe, more than 60% of which is still funded by deposits. However, MBS are meeting more and more mortgage lenders?requirements for various reasons. The use of MBS will depend on the specific needs of the lender with respect to its solvency ratio requirements, balance sheet structure, return on equity. It will also be influenced strongly by history, legal framework and mortgage market structure of the country where the lender operates.
  Transaction structure
  Mortgage securitisation is an unbundled process divided into origination, grouping and funding of loans followed by the structuring and the rating of the new mortgage assets. The credit institution first creates a legal entity known as a special purpose vehicle (SPV) and sells mortgage loans that it has originated (“eceivables”) to this SPV. The SPV issues securities that are sold to investors such as credit institutions, insurance companies, pension funds and the like. The SPV is bankruptcy-remote, which means that the assets of the SPV are legally separated from the assets of the originator, thereby leaving the SPV out of the reach of any potential receiver for the originator. A placement agent or underwriter generally serves as an intermediary between an issuer and investors in an MBS offering. The underwriter provides guidance on structuring the transaction in an efficient and cost-effective manner which includes devising one or more “ranches”of MBS that are sold to investors. The cash flows may be allocated to different tranches of debt securities to meet the needs and preferences of individual investors. The proceeds from the issuance of the securities provide the funds needed by the SPV to pay the purchase price of the assets. Usually, the bank manages the mortgage loan pool in accordance with its existing credit and collection procedures. These activities are generally referred to as “servicing”A trustee is charged to survey the servicer and the security pool. He executes the security in case of insolvency of the mortgage borrower.   Rating
  MBS can only be placed when they are rated by a rating agency. Rating agencies evaluate a MBS transaction by focusing on three key components: collateral quality, bankruptcy-remoteness and pool administration. The collateral evaluation consists in analysing the delinquency, foreclosure, and loss of experience of both the originator/servicer and similar mortgages. Therefore the pool is subjected to a series of stress tests designed to simulate severe economic stress. The bankruptcy-remoteness evaluation focuses on a legal analysis of the trust structure or SPV set up to hold the mortgage collateral on behalf of the security holders. The pool administration evaluation centres on the trustee and servicer and their ability to perform the administrative functions associated with the pool. The servicer is evaluated for collecting, investing and disbursing payments to investors. Historically, the rating agency evaluation of structured transactions have been extremely conservative.
  Credit enhancement
  In order to get a favourable rating, the rating agency demands an additional security for MBS-creditors besides the security pool (credit enhancement). A credit enhancer employs internal or external credit support to make sure that investors will receive the cash flows to which they are entitled. The external credit support is an external insurance policy purchased from an insurance company. The insurance company covers losses up to a stated percent of the original face value of the pool, on average 7-13 % depending on the quality of the mortgage collateral. The insurance could be supported by other forms of credit enhancement including over-collateralisation and cash reserve accounts. The internal credit support is the senior-subordinated structure or the senior-junior tranching. In this structure, two or more classes of MBS are created that bear differing exposures to credit losses. MBS-issuances are therefore divided into first class senior (AAA to AA) and second class junior tranches (A and lower), the latter representing 10-20 % of the total transaction volume and serving as security. Junior tranches are lower rated but offer high revenues for investors. There are one or more junior or first loss tranches that support the senior classes by absorbing credit-related losses up to the face amount of such junior classes. Only after the junior classes have disappeared do the senior classes face the risk of losses. Today,the senior-subordinated structure is the dominant form of credit enhancement for ABS/MBS. Pool insurance is mostly used for small securitisation transactions or for new asset classes where there is insufficient credit-related data to support an efficient senior subordinated structure.
  1 该文由欧盟评估师联合会(TEGoVA)于2002年底发布,德国按揭贷款银行协会对文章贡献较大。
  3 见后文对MBS类别的阐述。
  4 即MBS。
  5 服务人,servicer对应前文的servicing。
  6 Pool,原意为“池”,此处可译为“资产池”、“资产组合”。
  7 Structured,意为有安排的、有组织的。
  8 即SPV。
工艺装备(简称工装)是指产品加工、装配、检测、试验、包装、传送等过程中所必须的工具和器具。广义的工装还包括所需的专用设备,本文讨论的工装仅指工具与器具。  工装按照其使用范围,可分为通用和专用两种。通用工装适用于多种产品的生产,如常用刀具。量具等,一般单件金额较低,财务会计上作低值易耗品处理,本文拟不讨论。本文要讨论的是专用工装,即仅适用于某种产品、某项零部件、某道工序的工艺装备,属专用资产,且大
《中国资产评估》杂志召开通讯员联络工作会议    2006年12月22日至23日,《中国资产评估》杂志通讯员联络工作会议在安徽省合肥市召开。中国资产评估协会秘书长兼《中国资产评估》杂志主编刘萍、副秘书长岳公侠、党委副书记辛宝荣、副秘书长兼《中国资产评估》杂志执行主编杨松堂,与来自全国省、自治区、直辖市的通讯员、地方协会秘书长出席了此次会议。会议取得了圆满成功。    中评协公允价值评估考察团赴英、
《中国资产评估》是由中华人民共和国财政部主管、中国资产评估协会主办的国内外公开发行刊物,也是资产评估行业惟一公开出版发行的专业刊物,连年被选入《中文社会科学引文索引》来源期刊行列。《中国资产评估》期刊兼有行业政策指导、行业建设发展、机构内部管理、专业技术交流、理论研究、国内外行业交流等多项任务,对行业的宣传、舆论导向等负有十分重要的责任。  目前,该期刊设有行业建设、准则制订、理论与技术方法研讨、
编者按:下面是本刊转载的湖北省京山县人民法院对京山县房地产管理局行政侵权案件的行政判决书。根据国务院《国有资产评估管理办法》,资产评估机构在获得资格证书之后,具有合法的价值评估主体资格,其接受当事人委托所作的评估是合法的和有效的,并符合《中华人民共和国房地产管理法》的规定。利用行政管理职权对合法的资产评估报告不予确认,实际上是侵犯了市场经济中法人的公平竞争权利。     湖北省京山县人民法院行政判
2006年度全国注册资产评估师(珠宝)执业资格考试将于11月5-6日在北京举行,该考试由中国资产评估协会主办,今年是该资格设立以来举行的全国第二次考试。该执业资格考试包括《珠宝评估理论与方法》、《珠宝评估案例分析》、《资产评估》、《经济法》及《珠宝鉴定与分级》(珠宝玉石质量检验师考试)5个科目。  《珠宝评估理论与方法》、《珠宝评估案例分析》为珠宝评估专业考试科目。报名时间为4月10日至6月9日,
2006年9月28-29日,中国资产评估协会将与国际评估准则委员会在云南昆明共同举办国际评估论坛,这是继1999年北京国际评估论坛之后,中国资产评估协会与国际评估准则委员会又一次合作举办国际评估论坛。  中国资产评估协会自1995年加入国际评估准则委员会并于1999年成为国际评估准则委员会的常务理事以来,在代表全行业积极参与国际评估事务,宣传中国资产评估行业方面发挥了积极作用,使中国资产评估行业的