Jiang’an District has a total population of 540,000, of whom 53,877 are married women of childbearing age. Since 1980, when carrying out perinatal care, the district has used the perinatal care manual, which was uniformly formulated in the city, to manage maternal and childbirth. Gradually formed the center of maternal and child health clinics, guided by municipal, military and large-sized enterprise hospitals, Street hospital-based urban perinatal care tertiary network. In order to conduct a more comprehensive and comprehensive perinatal care work, we have adopted a combination of methods that rely on the family planning team on the one hand to administer maternity womens work in my area; on the other hand to live in the area Maternal also manage. In order to enable management to be implemented, we have established a grassroots level 3 health care network and formulated various levels of responsibilities to administer maternal and fetal control over the area