Aim To study and analyze the content and significance of the spread of Western science and technology and advanced scientific ideas in Zhixinbao. Method Original textual research and analysis. Results Zhixinbao was an important speech newspaper founded by immigrants in Macao in the late Qing dynasty. It was also a front for emphasizing scientific and technological propaganda. It spread a large amount of Western scientific knowledge and inventions and inventions. In particular, it introduced western periodic table of the elements, The development of automobiles and tricycles, the development of printing technology, the improvement and improvement of photographic techniques, the invention of sound recordings, amplifying sound and telexes, and the advanced scientific thoughts on energy conservation, prenatal and postnatal care, and urban transportation. Conclusion Zhixinbao was the largest circulation newspaper in China at that time. The spread of Western science and technology and advanced scientific ideas promoted the development of science and technology and social progress in modern China.