中国富豪们会用“笔杆镶金嵌银,笔尖打上钻石,笔帽顶端冠以红宝石”的钢笔来装饰自己的富贵身份吗? 红绸徐徐滑落的一刹那,已经有人在轻叹了。玻璃柜里,一款来自意大利的奥罗拉(Aurora)铂金笔静静躺在那儿,通体闪亮,发出银白色的光。接下来,请屏住呼吸聆听它的身价:900万元人民币。4月26日晚,这款奥罗拉天价笔成了北京钓鱼台国宾馆俱乐部晚会真正的主角。吧台旁啜饮的绅士和淑女们放下酒杯,纷纷打量和揣测这个不明所以的天价之宝,两旁的闪光灯更是闪烁不停。
China’s rich will use “pen silver inlay inserts, nib diamonds, pen top crown with ruby” pen to decorate their rich identity? Red silk slowly slipping away, some people have been sighing. Inside the glass case, a platinum Aurora from Italy lay quietly there, shining brightly and emitting silver-white light. Next, please hold your breath to listen to its worth: 900 million yuan. On the night of April 26, this high price of Aurora pen became the real protagonist of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse Club in Beijing. Gentlemen and ladies sip next to the bar down the glass, have looked and speculated that the price of the unknown so expensive treasure, flashes on both sides of the flash is non-stop.