An Analysis of International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA) Security against Differential Cryptanal

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzqingqingcao
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The security of international date encryption algorithm (IDEA(16)), a mini IDEA cipher, against differential cryptanalysis is investigated. The results show that IDEA(16) is secure against differential cryptanalysis attack after 5 rounds while IDEA(8) needs 7 rounds for the same level of security. The transition matrix for IDEA(16) and its eigenvalue of second largest magnitude are computed. The storage method for the transition matrix has been optimized to speed up file I/O. The emphasis of the work lies in finding out an effective way of computing the eigenvalue of the matrix. To lower time complexity, three mature algorithms in finding eigenvalues are compared from one another and subspace iteration algorithm is employed to compute the eigenvalue of second largest module, with a precision of 0.001. The results show that IDEA (16) is secure against differential cryptanalysis attack after 5 rounds while IDEA (8) needs 7 rounds for the same level of security. The transition matrix for IDEA (16) and its eigenvalue of second largest magnitude are computed. The storage method for the transition matrix has been optimized to speed up file I / O. The emphasis of the work lies in finding out an effective way of computing the eigenvalue of the matrix. To lower time complexity, three mature algorithms in finding eigenvalues ​​are compared from one another and subspace iteration algorithm is employed to compute the eigenvalue of second largest module, with a precision of 0.001.
目的:分析咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)诊疗状况,以提高对CVA的认识,减少误诊误治。 方法:总结65例CVA患者的临床资料,对其发病特点、误诊误治等情况进行回顾性分析。 结果:65例CVA患
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