2012年7月21日,北京暴雨如注,降水量非常,灾害非常,损失非常,伤亡非常。就在这场史上罕见的非常考验面前,北京国企广大员工挺身而出、勇于担当,彰显出一种解救危难、舍我其谁的非常精神。01危急时刻见真情61年来从未见过的强降雨,短时间就使几十座立交桥下积水成河。北京公交集团的正常运营被打乱了,许多车辆困在途中寸步难行。集团公司迅速启动了防汛应急预案,立即派出由1 000余名员工、50余部抢修车和200余部公交车组成的应急队,迅速奔赴事故现场。保修分公司出动抢修救援人员970余人,分赴各积水点拖救进水车辆168部,厂内597名维修人连夜
July 21, 2012, Beijing stormy note, the precipitation is very heavy, the disaster is very serious, the loss is very heavy casualties. Just before the very rare test in history, the vast majority of staff in Beijing’s state-owned enterprises came forward and took the courage to act as one of the very spirits of relieving the crisis and leaving me alone. 01 Critical moment to see the true feelings of the past 61 years have never seen the heavy rainfall, a short time to make dozens of overpasses under water. The normal operation of the Beijing Public Transport Group has been disrupted, and many vehicles are stuck in difficulty on the way. The Group promptly launched a flood control contingency plan and immediately dispatched an emergency response team consisting of more than 1,000 employees, over 50 repair vehicles and more than 200 buses to rush to the scene of the accident. Warranty Branch dispatched more than 970 emergency rescue workers, went to the water point to rescued 168 water vehicles, the factory 597 maintenance man night