Clinicopathological and molecular genetic analysis of 4 typical Chinese HNPCC families

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjr_1988
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AIM: To study the clinicopathological and molecular genetic characteristics of typical Chinese hereditary nonpolyposis cotorectal cancer (HNPCC) families.METHODS: Four typical Chinese HNPCC families were analyzed using microdissection, microsatellite instability analysis, immunostaining of hMSH2 and hMLH1 proteins and direct DNA sequencing of hMSH2 and hMLH1 genes.RESULTS: All five tumor tissues of 4 probands from the 4typical Chinese HNPCC families showed microsatellite instability at more than two loci (MSI-H or RER +phenotype). Three out of the 4 cases lost hMSH2 protein expression and the other case showed no hMLH1 protein expression. Three pathological germline mutations (2 in hMSH2 and 1 in hMLH1 ), which had not been reported previously, were identified. The same mutations were also found in otler affected members of two HNPCC families,respectively.CONCLUSION: Typical Chinese HNPCC families showed relatively frequent germline mutation of mismstch repair genes. High-level microsateliita instability and loss of expression of mismatch repair genes correlated closely with germline mutation of mismatch repair genes. Microsatellite instability analysis and immunostaining of miamstch repair gens might serve as effective screening methods before direct DNA sequencing. It is necessary to establish clinical criteria and molecular diagnostic strategies more suitable for Chinese HNPCC families.
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1 病历简介女 ,5 1岁。因右上腹痛半年于 1997年 11月 2 0日以“肝癌 ?胆囊炎”收住院。半年前原因不明右上腹痛 ,呈持续性隐痛 ,向右腰部放射 ,活动后加重 ;与进食、排便无