我国习见麦蚜有两种:一种叫麦二父蚜(学名 Toxoptera graminum)一种叫麦长须蚜(学名Marosiphum granarium),其中以前一种较为重要。可是本年陕西、河南、平原、晋南等地所造成严重灾害的部属后一种,至少以此种为主。这一种在历史上从来没有过大发生的记载。本年的情况是非常特殊的.现在各地麦蚜虽已基本上消灭了,但痛定思痛,仍然有值得我们进行检讨的必要。因在三反学习期间,我们都没有机会到现场深入了解情况,此处所谈专从过去记载加以分析。
There are two kinds of wheat aphids in our country. One is called Toxoptera graminum, the other is called Marosiphum granarium. The former one is more important. However, this year, Shaanxi, Henan, the plains, Jinnan and other places caused by a serious disaster subordinates, at least in this kind of dominated. This kind of record has never happened too much in history. This year’s situation is very special, and although wheat aphids have basically disappeared in various places now, it is still necessary for us to review the matter. During the three anti-learning period, we did not have the opportunity to get in-depth understanding of the situation, where we talked about from the past record to be analyzed.