今年以来,三河市燕郊开发区认真遵循“打京津牌、吃天下饭、念资本经、走产业路”的经济发展新思路,坚持“项目就是开发区的生命线”和“一切工作服务服从于项目”的原则,积极抢抓各种发展机遇,使招商引资工作呈现出良好的发展势头。截至5月上旬,开发区已注册新项目20家,项目投资总规模达5亿元。 从引进项目情况看,呈现出以下四个特点:一是投资规模大。在注册的20个项目中,投资规模在1000万元以上的有9个,3000万
Since the beginning of this year, Yanjiao Development Zone of Sanhe City has earnestly followed the new economic development idea of “playing Beijing-Tianjin-Tianjin Plateau, eating the world rice, studying capital and taking the industrial road”, adhering to the principle that “the project is the lifeline of the development zone” and “all work services are obeyed Project ”principle, actively seize various opportunities for development so that investment promotion work has shown a good momentum of development. As of early May, TEDA has registered 20 new projects with a total project investment of 500 million yuan. From the introduction of the project situation, showing the following four characteristics: First, large-scale investment. Among the 20 projects registered, there are 9 and 30 million with an investment of more than 10 million yuan