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关于棕榈的名称及其药用部位问题,现代中医药书籍记述较为混乱,如《中药志》中概述为棕榈全年可采,一般9~10月间采收,剥取叶柄,削去外面纤维,晒干为棕骨。叶柄及鞘片成熟后表皮脱落,残留下的纤维称为棕,剥取后可制成棕绳、棕床等。陈棕即为年久用废的棕绳,一般多取破旧的棕床。我国华南、西南地区多用棕皮;华北、东北、西北地区多用制作棕绳、棕床等剔除的副产品棕骨;华东地区则用旧棕床、棕毡等入药;江苏应用经汗水浸入的棕床,谓越陈越佳。又如《中华人民共和国药典》1985年版一部中收载的药材名称为棕板,药用部位为旧叶柄下延部分及鞘片。目前中医药界对此存有争议。那么其药 With regard to the name and medicinal site of palm, the description of modern Chinese medicine books is more confusing, as outlined in the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Journal”, in which the palm is harvested all year round. Generally, the harvest is carried out from September to October, the petiole is stripped and the outer fiber is cut off. Sun dried brown bones. After the petiole and sheath are mature, the epidermis falls off, and the remaining fiber is called brown. After stripping, it can be made into brown ropes, brown beds and so on. Chen Brown is a long-used, used brown rope. It usually takes a shabby brown bed. In southern China and southwest China, brown leather is mostly used; in North China, Northeast China, and northwest China, brown bones, which are by-products such as brown ropes and brown beds, are used; in East China, old brown beds and brown felts are used as medicine; in Jiangsu, sweat beds are used. It is said that the better the better. Another example is that the name of the medicinal material contained in the 1985 edition of the “Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China” is brown, and the medicinal part is the extension of the old petiole and the sheath. At present, the Chinese medicine community is controversial. Then its medicine
<正> 杏仁水是一种医用镇咳药,其主要成份为杏仁腈(?),亦称扁桃腈以杏仁腈配以适量的乙醇和水,即得杏仁水。杏仁水含量以HCN计算,应为0.09~0.11%(g/ml)。杏仁腈是一种dl-型的黄
[病例231] 患者45岁,男,公司董事,初诊于1980年4月。病历:身材魁梧,体重73公斤。不久前血压高,1980年以来全身倦怠感,心下痞,嗜眠,肩、背酸痛。有飞蝇幻视,感到很讨厌。医院
10—羟基—2—癸烯酸(10—hydroxyl—△~2—decanoic acid,以下简称HDA)是蜂王浆中特有的化合物。蜂王浆具有杀菌力,不易腐败,且具有抗癌能力,据认为是由于含有HDA之故。最
[病例359] 患者13岁、男。病历:患儿外表看起来只有8~9岁。消瘦,脸色苍白。患儿3岁以前发育正常。患疝气接受手术后身体和神经发育异常。去幼儿圆时不同其他小朋友说一句话,