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At the heginning of 1983, in ordeto huild Pingsuo Antaihao OperncutCoal Mine and develope all the coalfields in Pingsuo, the Chinese Government began preparatioris for setting up the Pingsuo Coal IndustrialCorporatrion. The total investment ofthe Aritaihao Opencut Coal Mine is649 million US dollars, its miningarea 18. 53 square kilometers, and itsestimated raw coal output 15,33million tons. Before long. the Antaihao Opencut Coal Mine was putinto operation in September1987. After the partrier of foreignAntaihao Coal Mine - the AmericanOcciderital petroleum Compan, y hadwithdrawn its capital in July 1991, forits mariagement policy reshaping, theAntaibao Mine was taken over by thePingsuo Coal Industrial Corporation.Despite of various kinds of diffculties, the Mine not only went onmormally, but also witnessed greatprogress one after another, suprisingmany foreign experts returning forinspections.During the 12 years since itsfouriding, the accumulative output ofMine’s raw coal is 160 million tons,and its pre - tax profits adds up tol 945millionyuan RMB. Although theprices of raw materials are rising yearafter year, the coal of the Mine is stillwell sold in 17 couritries arid regions, occupying 1 /3 of the exportedsteam coal of the Country for its highquality arid credit. At the heginning of 1983, in ordeto huild Pingsuo Antaihao OperncutCoal Mine and develope all the coalfields in Pingsuo, the Chinese Government began preparatioris for setting up the Pingsuo Coal Industrial Corporatrion. The total investment of the Aritaihao Opencut Coal Mine is649 million US dollars, its miningarea 18 53 square kilometers, and itsestimated raw coal output 15,33million tons. Before long. the Antaihao Opencut Coal Mine was putinto operation in September1987. After the partrier of foreignAntaihao Coal Mine - the AmericanOcciderital petroleum Compan, y hadwithdrawn its capital in July 1991, Forits mariagement policy reshaping, theAntaibao Mine was taken over by thePingsuo Coal Industrial Corporation.Despite of kinds kinds diffculties, the Mine not only went onmormally, but also witnessed greatprogress one after another, suprisingmany foreign experts returning forinspections.During the 12 years since itsfouriding , the accumulative output ofMine’s raw coal is 160 millio n tons,and its pre - tax profits adds up tol 945million yuan RMB. Although theprices of raw materials are rising yearafter year, the coal of the Mine is stillwell sold in 17 couritries arid regions, occupying 1/3 of the exportedteam coal of the Country For its highquality arid credit.
据说,美国有位颇具影响力的经济预测专家,认为机械工业属于`夕阳工业’.通俗点讲,他是说机械工业过时了,因而不必投放资金再去发展了. 这种说法是大错而特错的因为事实并非
[于常友简历] 于常友同志 1966年毕业于山东工业大学。同年被分 配到吉林省通化市无线电厂工作,历任厂技术员、通 化市重工业局技术组长等职。 1973年 5月调北京冶金 工业部钢铁研究总院
据报道 ,美国的Neville化学公司日前宣布 ,该公司设在荷兰的Nevcin聚合物公司最近已完成工厂的扩建。这次扩建包括新建一个聚合反应装置。业界人士说 ,这个新的装置将有助于满足欧洲市场 ,
今年以来纯碱价格稳步上扬。但到 7月份之后,特别是近一二周 99%的规格售价总体上下降了 100元(吨价,下同)左右,从 1 600元下降到 1 500元 (大手货 ),而少量的交易价一般都能维持在
据报道 ,欧洲委员会最近宣布 ,它已经有条件批准道氏化学公司收购联碳公司。这一并购将创造出世界第二大化工企业。欧洲委员会说 ,这两家公司已经同意剥离一些业务 ,以避免人
巴西国有石油公司 Petrobras公司和德国巴斯夫公司计划投资 3亿美元在圣保罗东南部地区的一家炼油厂内建立 1套丙烯酸联合装置。该联合装置的生产能力将为: 16万 t/a未处理丙
NipponKayaku(化药)公司宣布了扩大功能化学品生产规模的计划。计划在今后3年内投资120亿日元(1 14亿美元)发展功能化学品业务。在半导体封装材料用环氧树脂方面 ,公司将投资10亿日元用于Fukuya ma(福山)和Asa工厂2001年