At the heginning of 1983, in ordeto huild Pingsuo Antaihao OperncutCoal Mine and develope all the coalfields in Pingsuo, the Chinese Government began preparatioris for setting up the Pingsuo Coal IndustrialCorporatrion. The total investment ofthe Aritaihao Opencut Coal Mine is649 million US dollars, its miningarea 18. 53 square kilometers, and itsestimated raw coal output 15,33million tons. Before long. the Antaihao Opencut Coal Mine was putinto operation in September1987. After the partrier of foreignAntaihao Coal Mine - the AmericanOcciderital petroleum Compan, y hadwithdrawn its capital in July 1991, forits mariagement policy reshaping, theAntaibao Mine was taken over by thePingsuo Coal Industrial Corporation.Despite of various kinds of diffculties, the Mine not only went onmormally, but also witnessed greatprogress one after another, suprisingmany foreign experts returning forinspections.During the 12 years since itsfouriding, the accumulative output ofMine’s raw coal is 160 million tons,and its pre - tax profits adds up tol 945millionyuan RMB. Although theprices of raw materials are rising yearafter year, the coal of the Mine is stillwell sold in 17 couritries arid regions, occupying 1 /3 of the exportedsteam coal of the Country for its highquality arid credit.
At the heginning of 1983, in ordeto huild Pingsuo Antaihao OperncutCoal Mine and develope all the coalfields in Pingsuo, the Chinese Government began preparatioris for setting up the Pingsuo Coal Industrial Corporatrion. The total investment of the Aritaihao Opencut Coal Mine is649 million US dollars, its miningarea 18 53 square kilometers, and itsestimated raw coal output 15,33million tons. Before long. the Antaihao Opencut Coal Mine was putinto operation in September1987. After the partrier of foreignAntaihao Coal Mine - the AmericanOcciderital petroleum Compan, y hadwithdrawn its capital in July 1991, Forits mariagement policy reshaping, theAntaibao Mine was taken over by thePingsuo Coal Industrial Corporation.Despite of kinds kinds diffculties, the Mine not only went onmormally, but also witnessed greatprogress one after another, suprisingmany foreign experts returning forinspections.During the 12 years since itsfouriding , the accumulative output ofMine’s raw coal is 160 millio n tons,and its pre - tax profits adds up tol 945million yuan RMB. Although theprices of raw materials are rising yearafter year, the coal of the Mine is stillwell sold in 17 couritries arid regions, occupying 1/3 of the exportedteam coal of the Country For its highquality arid credit.