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一个“国家服务业综合改革试点区”的历练之路编者按一个城市综合体,就是一个大商圈;一座总部大厦,就是一个产业聚核;一处楼盘,就是一个生态景观城……一处处宏大的建设场景让人振奋,让人震撼……今日,净月高新区正迎来前所未有的新一轮大发展、快发展的新时期,借力国家战略,承载着更大的光荣与梦想,净月高新区正朝着更宜居、更和谐、更幸福的城区前行。以国家级服务业综合改革试点区建设为契机,先行先试,以区域品牌,比肩城市梦想。按照长春市十二次党代会的要求,加快发展服务业,已经成为长春未来五年发展的重要选择,长春走进服务经济时代,加快发展服务业,特别是现代服务业,事关长春市经济社会发展大局。 A “National Service Pilot Reform Area ” experience Road Editor Press a city complex, is a large shopping district; a headquarters building, is an industrial poly nucleus; a real estate, is an eco-landscape city ... ... Today, Jingyue High-tech Zone is ushering in a new round of unprecedented development and rapid development of new period, leveraging the national strategy, carrying a greater glory and Dream, Jingyue Hi-tech Zone is moving towards a more livable, more harmonious and happier city forward. Taking the construction of national service pilot comprehensive reform pilot area as an opportunity, we should give priority to first try to regional brand and shoulder the dream of city. In accordance with the requirements of the 12th Party Congress in Changchun, accelerating the development of the service industry has become an important choice for the development of Changchun in the next five years. When Changchun enters the era of service economy and accelerates the development of the service industry, especially the modern service industry, Changchun Economic and social development overall situation.
国家商务部、科技部联合认定第四批国家科技兴贸创新基地,襄阳高新区荣获国家新能源汽车科技兴贸创新基地称号。  日前,国家商务部、科技部联合认定第四批国家科技兴贸创新基地,襄阳高新区荣获国家新能源汽车科技兴贸创新基地称号。  国家商务部、科技部等相关部门将从财政、金融、税收等方面加大对国家科技兴贸创新基地和基地企业的政策支持力度,加强知识产权保护和公共平台建设。  截至去年底,襄阳高新区新能源汽车整车
新一代CPU桥片“星光青桥一号”的成功发布,使青島市及高新区走在了全省半导体产业发展的前沿,为嵌入式CPU桥片研发设计及产业化基地的建设奠定坚实基础,将有效带动物联网智能系统等相关产业发展。  日前,青岛高新区中星微电子项目在府新大厦三楼多功能厅举行了新一代CPU桥片“星光青桥一号”发布会。青岛市委常委、副市长王广正出席发布会并致辞,市科技局党组书记、副局长盖健,高新区管委主任赵兴书,科技部高新司