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我国建筑塔机固定式基础耗费巨大的事实早就引起了民众和媒体的关注。《中国建设报》2000年曾撰文介绍说:“据测算,这种基础处理方式若继续使用10年,按照现在的塔机发展趋势,我国每年用于塔机基础的费用将达到50亿元,钢材22多万吨,水泥110多万吨,每年投入人工达260多万个人工日。”如今,我国塔机增幅早已超过预期,仅2010年就新增四万多台,相应的塔机基础原材料和人工的耗费更是成倍数增长。尽管各种塔机无基座处理方式陆续问世,但是由于多种因素的限制,仍然没有得到有效的宣传和利用。相关人士向记者坦承,施工方和设备出租方之间的利益纠纷是无基座塔机大面积推广受阻的主要原因。目前,我国建筑施工单位和设备供应方多为分割独立,互不隶属。在这种情况下,设备方如果采用路基箱压重式塔机,一次性投入较大,并且转场费用增加;而固定式基础塔机耗费的钢筋混凝土则纳入施工费用,全部由施工单位承担,在租赁费用相同的情况下,设备供应方自然不愿“自找麻烦”。天津建工总包公司的优势在于:施工方和设备供应方隶属同一公司,各方利益统一,即使初期设备改造费用增加,但总体效益有了显著提高。针对施工方、设备方的利益纠纷,施工方如果将基础施工费用独立出来,若设备方可以供应无基座塔机,则按比例提取增加租赁费用,这会不会是一种解决之道呢? The fact that the fixed base of tower crane construction in our country has taken a huge amount of time has aroused the public’s attention and the media’s attention. According to an estimate of 2000, China Construction News said: “It is estimated that if this basic treatment is to continue for 10 years, according to the current development trend of tower crane, the annual cost for tower crane in China will reach 5 billion yuan , More than 220,000 tons of steel and more than 1,100,000 tons of cement, and has put in more than 2.6 million man-days of manpower every year. ”Nowadays, the growth rate of tower crane in our country has already exceeded expectations. In 2010, more than 40,000 new units were added, Machine based on raw materials and labor costs are more exponential growth. Although a variety of tower crane baseless processing methods come out one after another, but due to many factors, they are still not effectively publicized and utilized. Stakeholders admitted to reporters, the interests of construction and equipment between the lessor disputes is the main reason for the base tower crane to prevent large-scale promotion. At present, China’s construction units and equipment suppliers are mostly independent, independent of each other. In this case, if the equipment side adopts roadbed box compression type tower crane, the one-time investment will be larger and the transition cost will increase; while the reinforced concrete tower consumed by the fixed tower crane will be included in the construction cost, all of which will be borne by the construction unit , In the case of the same rental costs, equipment suppliers are naturally reluctant to “find trouble.” Tianjin Construction Engineering contracting company’s advantage lies in: the construction side and equipment suppliers under the same company, the interests of all parties unification, even if the initial cost of equipment improvements, but the overall benefits have been significantly improved. For the interests of the construction side and equipment side, if the construction side can separate the basic construction costs, if the equipment side can supply the base tower crane, it will be a solution to the problem of proportionately increasing the rental fee ?
摘 要:整形修剪是核桃管理中一项十分重要的技术措施,合理的整形修剪,可以形成良好的树体结构,培养成丰产树形,调整好生长与结果的关系,从而达到早结果、多结果及连年丰产的目的。  关键词:核桃整形;修剪技术  近年来由于良种早实薄壳核桃结果早、产量高、品质优、价格高,深受广大果农种植户的青睐,早实核桃发展较快。但在核桃发展栽培过程中广大果农也普遍存在不懂或缺乏早实核桃整形修剪技术的现象,为此,我们从2
经过长期努力,Linden Comansa成功研发了“超动力”(EFFI-PLUS)起升机构,可广泛应用于LC1100,LC2100和LCL动臂塔机系列,目前配备“超动力”起升机构的塔机已开始销售,且同型
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