The authors report a case of a 67-year-old female who presented with an infection in the papillary node of the right breast, exudate, and an asymptomatic lumpy keratoderma for more than five weeks. Physical examination revealed that the nipple was partially lumpy, hypertrophic, and densely horny. She had fallen off and re-growth several times within 3 months. The skin angle was removed, no ulceration was formed at the nipple, local redness was shiny, and the basement had no lump or nodule. Examination of the nipples revealed a dense hyperkeratosis of the epidermis, containing mostly isolated or clustered round large nuclear cells and plump pale cytoplasm. Special stains are glycogen, but lack melanin and mucin, and the lower dermis contains dense inflammatory infiltrates. No mammary duct or ductal cancer cells have been found in the connective tissue matrix. although,