“抗菌”的概念在国内已经提了好 几年,如今冠有“抗菌、杀菌、抑菌” 字眼的产品已经遍布我们身边:大到冰 箱、空调,小到我们使用的各种笔、家 庭烹饪用的调料盒,甚至我们每天都要 穿的袜子、内衣……一时间“抗菌、杀 菌、抑菌”无所不在。当然,抗菌材料 也进入了建材领域。 “抗菌地板的出现,标志着国内地 板行业已经步入到新的阶段。”2004年 在北京举办的一次“抗菌地板--营 造绿色、健康家居”主题研讨会上,不 少建材企业如此评价“抗菌地板”的意 义。 而在最近一段时间,整个地板行业 齐打健康牌, “抗菌地板”概念迅速席 卷了国内地板业。众多品牌更是宣称, 他们的地板使用了先进的纳米材料抗 菌、杀菌。
“Antibacterial ” concept has been mentioned in the country for several years, now crowned with “Antibacterial, bactericidal, antibacterial ” the words of the product has been around us: large refrigerator, air conditioners, small as we use a variety of pen , Seasoning boxes for home cooking, and even socks and underwear we wear every day ... for a while. “Antibacterial, bactericidal and bacteriostatic” are ubiquitous. Of course, antibacterial materials have also entered the field of building materials. “The emergence of antibacterial floor, marking the domestic flooring industry has entered a new stage. ” 2004 held in Beijing once “antibacterial floor - to create green, healthy home ” theme seminar, a lot of building materials Enterprises so evaluation “antibacterial floor ” significance. In the recent period, the entire floor industry hit a healthy card, “antibacterial floor ” concept quickly swept the domestic flooring industry. Many brands claim even more that their flooring uses advanced nanomaterials for antibacterial and bactericidal properties.