欧洲大陆第一个海运、陆运和空运综合货物转运中心于2003年12月15日在法国投入使用。名为DELTA 3的转运中心位于北加莱海峡大区的杜尔日(Dourges,Nord Pas de Calai),这里是从英国通向欧洲东部以及从北部海港通向南欧的欧洲两大走廊的交汇之处。作为一个三模式的货物转运中心,DELTA3是一系列海港的后方,被欧洲委员会列为“欧洲的重大项目”。
The first integrated transshipment of seaborne, land and air cargoes in continental Europe came into operation in France on December 15, 2003. The transit center named DELTA 3 is located at Dourges, Nord Pas de Calai, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calai region, where the two corridors intersecting Europe from the United Kingdom to the east of Europe and from southern harbor to southern Europe Department. As a three-modal cargo transshipment center, DELTA3 is the rear of a series of harbors and listed by the European Commission as “a major European project”.