
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun_merry
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介绍了在森林火灾地空配合扑救技术中运用K-32直升机开展的吊桶洒水有效性测试和吊桶洒水高度与火场温度变化关系研究。试验表明在消防烟雾弹的引导下,K-32直升机能对准测试区域进行洒水作业。K-32直升机吊桶以距离火场10~20 m高度洒水,水量集中,灭火效果较好;K-32直升机吊桶洒水落点准确率的高低对火灾扑救效率影响极大,当落点不准确时,飞机经过火场上空反而会导致火场温度急剧升高。 The effectiveness test of bucket sprinkling using K-32 helicopter and the relationship between the height of bucket sprinkler and the temperature change of fire field are introduced in the paper. Tests show that K-32 helicopters can be aligned to the test area for sprinkler operation, guided by fire smoke bombs. K-32 helicopter bucket at a height of 10 ~ 20 m from the fire sprinkler, the concentration of water, fire extinguishing effect is good; K-32 helicopter bucket sprinkler landing accuracy of the height of fire fighting efficiency greatly affected, when the placement is not accurate, the aircraft After the fire over the field will result in a sharp increase in the temperature of the fire.
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A 200-kilometer drive from Beijing, heading west along National Highway 109, brings you to Yuxian County, formerly known as Yuzhou and Luochuan. Its long histor
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