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随着我国社会经济的发展,城市化和现代化进程进一步加快,城市人口密度不断上升,为了解决人们的住宅问题,高层建筑的建筑规模和数量不断扩大。高层剪力墙住宅的钢筋砼施工技术在很大程度上决定着建筑的结构质量和后期使用情况,而在钢筋砼施工的施工中又会涉及到各种专业的施工技术,对施工有着很高的要求。本文重点分析高层剪力墙住宅钢筋砼施工技术,探索提升施工质量的措施。 With the socio-economic development of our country, the process of urbanization and modernization has been further accelerated and the density of urban population has been on the rise. In order to solve the housing problem for people, the building scale and number of high-rise buildings have been constantly expanding. High-rise shear wall residential construction technology of reinforced concrete to a large extent determines the quality of the structure of the building and the late use, and in the construction of reinforced concrete will involve a variety of professional construction technology, has a high construction Request. This article focuses on the analysis of reinforced concrete construction techniques for high-rise shear wall dwellings and explores measures to improve construction quality.