Milk protein IgG and IgA:The association with milk-induced gastrointestinal symptoms in adults

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fylnn125
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AIM:To study the association between serum levels of milk protein IgG and IgA antibodies and milk-related gastrointestinal symptoms in adults.METHODS:Milk protein IgG and IgA antibodies were determined in serum samples of 400 subjects from five outpatient clinics in Southern Finland.Subjects were randomly selected from a total of 1900 adults undergoing laboratory investigations in primary care.All 400 participants had completed a questionnaire on abdominal symptoms and dairy consumption while waiting for the laboratory visit.The questionnaire covered the nature and frequency of gastrointestinal problems,the provoking food items,family history and allergies.Twelve serum samples were disqualifi ed due to insuff icient amount of sera.The levels of specif ic milk protein IgG and IgA were measured by using the ELISA technique.The association of the milk protein-specific antibody level was studied in relation to the milk-related gastrointestinal symptoms and dairy consumption.RESULTS:Subjects drinking milk(n=265) had higher levels of milk protein IgG in their sera than non-milk drinkers(n=123,P<0.001).Subjects with gastrointestinal problems related to milk drinking(n=119) consumed less milk but had higher milk protein IgG levels than those with no milk-related gastrointestinal symptoms(n=198,P=0.02).Among the symptomatic subjects,those reporting dyspeptic symptoms had lower milk protein IgG levels than non-dyspeptics(P<0.05).However,dyspepsia was not associated with milk drinking(P=0.5).The association of high milk protein IgG levels with constipation was close to the level of statistical signif icance.Diarrhea had no association with milk protein IgG level(P=0.5).With regard to minor symptoms,flatulence and bloating(P=0.8),were not associated with milk protein IgG level.Milk protein IgA levels did not show any association with milk drinking or abdominal symptoms.The levels of milk protein IgA and IgG declined as the age of the subjects increased(P<0.004).CONCLUSION:Milk protein IgG but not milk IgA seems to be associated with self-reported milk-induced gastrointestinal symptoms. AIM: To study the association between serum levels of milk protein IgG and IgA antibodies and milk-related gastrointestinal symptoms in adults. METHODS: Milk protein IgG and IgA antibodies were determined in serum samples of 400 subjects from five outpatient clinics in Southern Finland. Subjects were randomly selected from a total of 1900 adults undergoing laboratory investigations in primary care. All 400 participants had completed a questionnaire on abdominal symptoms and dairy consumption while waiting for the laboratory visit.The questionnaire covered the nature and frequency of gastrointestinal problems, the provoking food items, family history and allergies.Twelve serum samples were disqualifi ed due to insuff icient amount of sera. levels of specif ic milk protein IgG and IgA were measured by using the ELISA technique. the association of the milk protein-specific antibody level was studied in relation to the milk-related gastrointestinal symptoms and dairy consumption .RESULTS: Subject had higher levels of milk protein IgG in their sera than non-milk drinkers (n = 123, P <0.001). Subjects with gastrointestinal problems related to milk drinking (n = 119) had higher milk protein IgG levels than those with no milk-related gastrointestinal symptoms (n = 198, P = 0.02). Amm the symptomatic subjects, those reporting dyspeptic symptoms had lower milk protein IgG levels than non-dyspeptics (P <0.05) However, dyspepsia was not associated with milk drinking (P = 0.5). The association of high milk protein IgG levels with constipation was close to the level of statistical signif icance. Diarrhea had no association with milk protein IgG level (P = 0.5). With regard to minor symptoms, flatulence and bloating (P = 0.8), were not associated with milk protein IgG level. Milk protein IgA levels did not show any association with milk drinking or abdominal symptoms. The levels of milk protein IgA and IgG declined as the age of the subjects increased (P <0.004) .CONCLUSION: Milkprotein IgG but not milk IgA seems to be associated with self-reported milk-induced gastrointestinal symptoms.
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摘要:语文学科作为中职课程不可缺少的组成部分,它的基本功能应该是满足国家对学生基本文化素养的要求,满足专业学习的需要,为学生终身发展奠定必须的基础。本文试从教学理念、教学内容、教学模式、教学手段、教学方法等方面粗浅地论述培智职教语文教学设想和看法。  关键词:职业教育;语文;专业化;服务;职业品质  中图分类号:G764文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)02-044-1