An Inactivated Vaccine from a Field Strain of Bovine Herpesvirus-1(BoHV-1) has High Antigenic Mass a

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiwei2009
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Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) is a DNA virus belonging to the family Herpesviridae, subfamily Alfaherpesvirinae; it is a worldwide pathogen, causing serious economic losses in livestock. In Colombia there have been multiple isolates of BoHV-1 that have been subjected to molecular characterization, classifying most of the country isolates as BoHV-1.1. In the present study we developed and evaluated an ethyleneimine binary inactivated isolate from the native BoHV-1 strain (Córdoba-2) in a rabbit model of vaccination and infection. The vaccine was evaluated in two phases, one of immunogenicity with vaccination and a booster after 21 days, and an evaluation phase of protection against challenge with a highly virulent reference strain. The results demonstrate optimum serum-conversion, with protective neutralizing antibody titers 28 days post vaccination and optimal protection against challenge with the reference strain with decreased clinical signs of infection, protection against the onset of fever and decrease of virus excretion post challenge. In conclusion, our results show the enormous potential that an immunogenic inactivated vaccine has produced from the native BoHV-1.1 strain, which produces a high antigen mass to the vaccine to induce optimal immunity and protection, and it is a strong candidate for evaluation and possible future use in different cattle populations. Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) is a DNA virus belonging to the family Herpesviridae, subfamily Alfaherpesvirinae; it is a worldwide pathogen that causes serious economic losses in livestock. In Colombia there have been multiple isolates of BoHV-1 that have have been to molecular characterization, classifying most of the country isolates as BoHV-1.1. In the present study we developed and evaluated an ethyleneimine binary inactivated isolate from the native BoHV-1 strain (Cordoba-2) in a rabbit model of vaccination and infection. The vaccine was evaluated in two phases, one of immunogenicity with vaccination and a booster after 21 days, and an evaluation phase of protection against challenge with a highly virulent reference strain. The results instructions optimum serum-conversion, with protective neutralizing antibody titers 28 days post vaccination and optimal protection against challenge with the reference strain with decreased clinical signs of infection, protection against the onse t of fever and decrease of virus excretion post challenge. Our results show the enormous potential that an immunogenic inactivated vaccine has produced from the native BoHV-1.1 strain, which produces a high antigen mass to the vaccine to induce optimal immunity and protection , and it is a strong candidate for evaluation and possible future use in different cattle populations.
上海市热处理学会第 5次会员代表大会暨庆祝学会成立 2 0周年学术报告会于 2 0 0 1年 12月 4日在上海市科学会堂召开。中科院院士、学会第 1、2、3、4届理事会理事长徐祖耀教
摘要:地方院校在我国高等教育体系中占有很大比例,但是地方院校多以教学为重,科研竞争力相对较弱,创新型研究能力较低。在日益激烈的学术竞争环境中,在“人才强校”战略指导下,结合本地域特色和学科分布特点,发挥团队优势,强化学科与地方行业之间的联合,开展种类多样、形式新颖的创新团队建设,使创新团队这一符合时代教育背景的组织结构能够发挥更大作用,有利于地方院校的转型发展。  关键词:地方高校;创新团队;转型
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