铁道部科技局、工业总局、车辆局和国家建材局科教司、玻陶司于1984年3月22~24日,在北京共同主持召开了SMC客车窗框(简称SMC窗框)技术鉴定会。出席会议的有研究、设计、使用、检修、等方面25个单位共53名代表。 与会代表听取了四方车辆研究所关于SMC客车窗框的课题总结和运用情况报告、四方机车车辆工厂关于SMC窗框装车工艺和厂修工艺报告、北
Bureau of Science and Technology, Ministry of Railways, Bureau of Industry, Bureau of Vehicles, Bureau of Science and Education of State Bureau of Building Materials, and Boluo Division jointly held the SMC Passenger Window Frame (SMC Window Frame) Technical Appraisal Meeting held in Beijing from March 22 to March 24, 1984 . A total of 53 delegates from 25 units attended the meeting including research, design, use, maintenance and so on. Participants listened to the Sifang Vehicle Research Institute on the SMC bus window frame summary and application of the report, Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works on the SMC window frame loading process and plant repair process report, North