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疥疮是由疥虫寄生而引起的一种皮肤病,有很强的传染性,易在人群中传播蔓延,严重时可有继发感染,影响健康与工作。疥疮在解放前流行很广,解放后已基本绝迹.但是,近年来我省某些农村社队又发现了疥疮,应引起重视.疥虫的形态特点疥虫体为圆形或椭圆形,前后各有两对脚,脚上有吸盘.疥虫有雌雄之分.雄虫与雌虫在体表交配受孕后,雄虫便死去,雌虫在皮肤表面打“地道”、产卵、排粪并向前掘进.雌虫平均在人体皮肤内生存6~8周,产卵40~50个,死于虫道盲端。疥虫卵经3~4天后成为幼虫,逐渐变大,爬出虫道,2~3周内脱皮3次,发育为成虫.疥疮主要是通过接触传染.寄生于狗、猫、兔身上的疥虫,也可以传染给人,引起疥疮。 Scabies is a dermatosis caused by stinkbug parasites and is highly contagious and spreads easily among the population. In severe cases, secondary infection may affect health and work. Scabies before the liberation of a very popular, after the liberation of the basic extinction However, in recent years, some rural communities in our province also found scabies, should pay attention to. Morphological characteristics of pinworms The worm body is round or oval, before and after There are two pairs of feet, feet sucker.Magnosis has male and female points.Macromas and females mating in the body surface after pregnancy, the male will die, the female hit the skin surface “authentic”, spawning, defecation And drove forward.The average female in the human skin to survive 6 to 8 weeks, spawning 40 to 50, died in the blind side of the bug. Oviposition eggs become larvae after 3 to 4 days and gradually become larger and climb out of the larvae, peeling 3 times within 2 to 3 weeks and developing into adults. Scabies is mainly transmitted by contact. Parasites in dogs, cats and rabbits Insects, can also be transmitted to people, causing scabies.
我国现行《矽肺X线分期及其诊断标准》(下称《标准》)自1963年公布实施至今已20年,它既用于矽肺诊断,也用于煤工尘肺等的诊断,对我国的尘肺防治科研工作起了很大作 China’
房地产业不但自身发展潜力巨大 ,而且对相关产业的拉动和促进作用明显 ,住宅与房地产业作为我国国民经济新的增长点之一 ,已经成为不争的事实。伴随着住房体制改革的进一步深
在高压锅里放两百毫升醋水混合液 (也可全部用醋 ),加盖置火上烧开,待压力锅气嘴冒气,再将火关小,让气嘴热气缓缓冲出 (气不可太大,以免烫伤 ),然后将鼻子置于气嘴上方,反复作深呼吸
Objective This study aims to investigate the correlation of an ultrasonic scoring system with intraoperative blood loss (IBL) in placenta accreta spectrum (PAS)