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按照法律规定,地方政府必须向同级人大常委会负贵并报告工作。一般地讲,全面性的工作由政府直接向人大常委会报告,而专题性的工作则由政府委托所属有关部门向人大常委会报告。于是,一种具有特定要求的公务文书——向人大常委会提送的专题工作报告便在实践中产生了。这是人大机关秘书人员和政府组成部门秘书人员必须研究的一种公文。向人大常委会提送的专题工作报告是一种规范性的公务文书,属上行文的范畴。它既要符合公文的一般要求,又要符合向地方国家权力机关行文的特定书写要求,而目前有些秘书人员还没有完全掌握此类文件的写作规范格式。如有的把标题写成“落实基本国策,依法保护耕地”等。宣传报道式的标题;在称谓上,有的称“各位领导、同志们”,有的称“各位代表”;有的报告的开头不写“受政府委托”,结尾又写成“以上报告如有不当,请批评指正”;有的把署名放在报告最后,只署单位名称,不署报告人职务和姓名,等等。从专题报告使用的语气来看,也 In accordance with the law, local governments must pay their expenses to the NPC Standing Committee at the same level and report their work. Generally speaking, comprehensive work will be reported directly by the government to the NPCSC, while thematic work will be entrusted to the relevant departments under the government by the government to report to the NPCSC. As a result, a kind of official document with specific requirements - a special work report submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress came into being in practice. This is a kind of official document that must be studied by NPC and Party secretaries and government secretarial personnel. The special work report submitted to the Standing Committee of the NPC is a normative official document that belongs to the category of the upper essay. It not only meets the general requirements of official documents, but also complies with the specific writing requirements of the texts of local government authorities. At present, some secretaries have not fully mastered the normative writing format of such documents. If any, the title will be “Implementing Basic National Policies and Protecting Cultivated Land According to Law”. In the title, some said “leaders, comrades”, some said “delegates”; some do not write the beginning of the report, “commissioned by the government,” and wrote the end of the “If the above report If you are not appropriate, please criticize and correct ”; some put the signature at the end of the report, only the names of the units, the positions and names of the reporters who are not deployed, and so on. Judging from the tone of the special report, too
目的:通过对一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)、一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)、内皮素-1(endothelin-1,ET-1)及转化生长因子β1(transforming growth factor beta1,TGF-β1)在
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目的:通过检测TPX2和Aurora-B蛋白在宫颈鳞癌中的表达,进一步分析TPX2和Aurora-B蛋白的表达与宫颈鳞癌发生发展及预后中的意义。  方法:选择2011年1月-2013年1月内蒙古医科大