无需故作惊人笔 画到性灵品自高——记著名书画艺术家马德利先生

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马德利先生学养深厚,待人和若春风,是一位在书法、绘画、收藏、鉴定、戏剧以及工艺美术等方面,都颇有建树的书画艺术家。古人云:水之积也不厚,则其负大舟也无力。正是由于马德利先生这种兼通百家的学者修为和坚实的学问基础,加之他本身所具有的文人情怀和富于魅力的秉性与才情,使得他的书画艺术作品处处弥散着一种动人的灿烂风采。欣赏他的书画作品,你便会不自觉地被他作品中所透露出的那种睿智和练达,从容和淡 Mr. Madele was profoundly educated, treats others and spring, is a calligraphy, painting, collection, appraisal, drama and arts and crafts and other aspects, have made considerable achievements in calligraphy and painting artists. Ancients said: water product is not thick, then its negative boat also weakness. It is precisely because Mr. Madeleine and his scholars who cultivate a solid foundation of knowledge, combined with his own literati feelings and charm of the character and talent, making his calligraphy and painting works of art pervaded a touching The splendid style. Appreciate his works of calligraphy and painting, you will unconsciously be revealed in his works that kind of wisdom and sophistication, calm and light
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