In order to further understand the genetic diversity of peanut landraces in Jiangsu Province, 133 landraces were evaluated with 25 pairs of SSR primers and a total of 93 alleles were amplified with an average of 3.72. The polymorphism information (PIC) 0.066 ~ 0.749, an average of 0.374; Shannon’s information index amplitude 0.161 ~ 1.385, an average of 0.671. The similarity coefficients of varieties ranged from 0.416 to 1.000 with an average of 0.830. The average values of the similarity coefficients of 4 cultivars were as follows: common (0.899)> wild (0.776)> pearl (0.710)> multiple (0.700) ). Cluster analysis was performed by using non-weighted average method (UPGMA). When the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.600, 133 landraces were divided into three groups. The results showed that the genetic diversity of peanut landraces in Jiangsu Province was rich, while the genetic diversity of common landraces was lower than the other three types. Cluster analysis results provide an important basis for the effective utilization of local varieties.