一、全媒体时代:无所不在的资讯与贝克特言说的悖论20世纪80年代后期,爱尔兰裔法语作家萨缪尔·贝克特(Samul Beckett,1906-1989)去世之前宣布要写最后一部作品,读者和媒体都在翘首以待这部作品的诞生,以为会产生与《等待戈多》同样的轰动效应。但是贝克特最终拿出的,却是一个篇幅很短的小说,名叫《静止的走动》。就小说的题目来看,“静止”与“走动”的并置,是一种人或物质状态的悖论。他这样写道:“如此多的存在于他头脑里的所谓喧
I. The All-Media Era: The Paradox of Ubiquitous Information and Beckett’s Say The last work of the Irish-American French writer Samul Beckett (1906-1989) was announced before the death of the writer in the late 1980s, Readers and the media are waiting for the birth of this work, thinking that it will produce the same sensation effect as Waiting for Godot. But Beckett eventually came up with a very short novel called ”Still Moving.“ In terms of the novel, the juxtaposition of ”static “ with ”moving “ is a paradox of human or material state. He wrote: ”So many so-called noises that exist in his head