
来源 :政治学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shc200800
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本文首先阐述了政务公开的含义及意义, 指出政务公开是人民参与政治的前提, 是权力机制有效运行的基本条件, 是惩治腐败的重要环节。文章着重论述了实现政务公开的途径和措施, 认为政务公开的实现, 必须有一系列与之相配套的法律和制度, 建立一套完善的政务公开机制。根据现在的情况, 作者着重分析了当前在我国实现政务公开的几点意见 This paper first expounds the meaning and significance of the open government affairs, points out that the opening of government affairs is the premise of the people’s participation in politics, the basic condition for the effective operation of the power mechanism, and the important link of punishing corruption. This article emphatically discusses the ways and measures to realize the open government affairs. It holds that a series of complementary laws and systems must be established to establish a set of perfect government affairs open mechanism. According to the current situation, the author analyzes the current views on how to realize the openness of government affairs in our country
有好几个月了,在来办公室的路上,老担心自己会意外死亡。近单位的地方在修高架,劣质围档围了半边路,行人只能贴着围挡走。三环边上车流来势汹汹,红绿灯三两天坏一次,要躲着车,还要时刻注意头顶不会有钢钎或者手脚架水泥块之类的砸下来。这一段走得战战兢兢苦不堪言,每次经过之后,都庆幸又捡了一条小命回来。  西安雾霾也越来越严重了,天灰不溜秋的,空气脏得很,隔着窗子看不清十米开外的楼房,出行要带口罩,外面溜一圈