逆反思维是对问题进行逆向寻因、反面思考,或由表及里、由果及因、由此及彼地认识事物的心理过程。它大致可分为两种类型: 一、纵向型逆反思维。一般以事物的因果关系(包括目的与手段、时间的先后关系等)为线索,从相反的方向思考问题,属于直线的思维方法。其作用在于追根溯源、由表及里,揭示事物的本质和规律(普遍性),或发现事物的个性(特殊性)。如“生产要上来,干部要下去”,前者是目的,后者是手段,二者之间有密切的联系。
Reversed thinking is to reverse the problem of the cause, the opposite thinking, or from the table, from the fruit and the result, and thus to understand the psychological process of things. It can be roughly divided into two types: First, the vertical anti-reflective thinking. Generally, the causal relationship between things (including the purpose and means, the relationship between time, etc.) as a clue, thinking from the opposite direction, belongs to a straight line of thinking. Its role lies in tracing the source, from the table and reveal the nature and law of things (universality), or discovery of things personality (special). Such as “production to come, cadres should go down,” the former is the purpose, the latter is a means, the two are closely linked.