湖北省汉川市人民检察院副检察长王丽黎是获得“第三届中国十大杰出检察官”称号的唯一一位女性。 在不过10来年的检察生涯中,王丽黎凭着对党和人民的无限忠诚,凭着“干就要干出一流、干出最佳”的那股劲,屡创佳绩。她曾荣立二等功两次、三等功一次,先后被评为孝感市先进工作者、全省优秀检察官、全国优秀刑检干部和全国模范检察干部,当选为全省党代会代表、妇代会代表,成为全省检察机关的一面旗帜。 谁说女子不如男 10年前,王丽黎是汉川市塑料厂的一名普通女工,当检察官是她的追求。她利用业余时间刻苦学习法律知识,3年后,自修完武汉大学法律专科,
Wang Lili, Deputy Prosecutor General of the People’s Procuratorate of Hanchuan City, Hubei Province, was the only woman who won the title of “Third Outstanding Ten Procurator of China.” However, in the procuratorial career of 10 years, Wang Li-li has achieved great success with his immense loyalty to the party and the people and his “outstanding workmanship”. She has won the second class two times, the third class work once, has been named Xiaogan City advanced workers, the province’s outstanding prosecutors, the national outstanding criminal prosecutors and national model procuratorial cadres, elected as the province’s party representative, On behalf of the congress, a banner of procuratorial organs throughout the province. Who said that women are inferior to men 10 years ago, Wang Lili is an ordinary female worker in Hanchuan Plastic Factory, when the prosecutor is her pursuit. She spares no time studying hard legal knowledge, 3 years after graduating from Wuhan University law specialist,