1996年,江西各医药企业把学习邯钢经验作为闯市场、渡难关、增效益的主要措施,与提高技术经济指标、降本增效有机结合起来,收到了明显效果。全省主要医药产品万元产值综合能耗与同期比较下降21.73%,全年节约标煤 10.09万吨,34个重点化学原料药产品的主要技术经济指标超过上年的占65%,加上其它增收节支措施,全年成本节约3000万元以上。
In 1996, Jiangxi pharmaceutical companies took learning from the experience of Handan Iron and Steel Group as a major measure to break through the market, overcome difficulties and increase profits, and organically combined with the improvement of technical and economic indicators, cost reduction and efficiency gains, and received significant results. The total energy consumption per million yuan of production value of the province’s major pharmaceutical products decreased by 21.73% compared with the same period of the previous year. The annual coal consumption was reduced to 10,090 tons, and the main technical and economic indicators of 34 key chemical raw pharmaceutical products exceeded 65% in the previous year, plus others. Savings and savings measures will save more than 30 million yuan in cost throughout the year.