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财富是一个让人心跳加速的字眼,让人心急如焚的字眼,让人顿足捶胸的字眼,让人怦然心动的字眼,让人欢天喜地的字眼,让人狼狈不堪的字眼,让人天宽海阔的字眼,让人压抑深重的字眼。这一切,都取决于我们对财富的认识和我们自身所处的财富状况。 对财富的向往,让人热血沸腾;对财富的落差,让人窘迫无比;对财富的争夺,让人惊心动魄;对财富的运用,让人眼界大开。我们曾经仇富如今又异常地盼富,我们曾经拒富如今又极度地逐富。我们为财富四处奔波,处心积虑,我们为财富神采飞扬,泪如雨下。但财富是什么,财富为什么,财富在哪里,正如我们对人性的理解一样,依旧众说纷纭,扑朔迷离。 财富花开花落,财富起起伏伏,财富聚聚散散,财富顺顺逆逆。在财富面前,我们梦想成真,我们双手落空,我们放飞希望,我们但问耕耘,财富中装着我们的悲欢与智慧,更装着人性的全部优点和弱点,善良与罪恶。 是我们主宰财富,还是财富主宰世界?我们是财富的奴隶,还是财富的主人?不要言不由衷地拒绝财富吧,但也不要不择手段地攫取财富! 我们预测未来,我们创造未来,我们希望用财富证明自己,财富很伟大,人比财富更伟大。 Wealth is a heart-wrenching words, people anxious words, people fondle a wry words, people eloquent words, people happy words, people find any words, people Tian-wide The words of the sea, people depressing heavy words. All this depends on our understanding of wealth and the wealth we are in. The yearning for wealth, people excited; the fall of wealth, people are extremely embarrassed; competition for wealth, people struck with fright; the use of wealth, people eye-opener. We once saw that Qiu Fu is unusually prosperous, and we once refused wealth and now we are extremly richer. We are rushing around for wealth, taking pains into account, we look forward to the wealth of wealth, tears burst into tears. But what is wealth, what is wealth, what is wealth, just as our understanding of human nature is still different, confusing. Blossoming of wealth, the ups and downs of wealth, wealth gathered scattered, wealth Shun reversal. In the face of wealth, we dream come true, we lose both hands, we fly hope, but we ask hard work, wealth filled with our joys and sorrows, more filled with all the advantages and weaknesses of human nature, kindness and sin. We dominate the wealth, or wealth dominate the world? We are the slave of wealth, or the owner of wealth? Do not reject the wealth, but do not unscrupulously grab the wealth! We predict the future, we create the future, we want to prove their wealth Wealth is great, people are greater than wealth.
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