Contingent sensitivity to configuration in a nonlinear evolution system

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanzhow
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A trans-scopic sensitivity of macroscopic failure to slight differentiation in the meso-scopic structure of a system with nonlinear evolution is reported. A periodical chain following a non-local load-sharing evolution was applied as a propotype in failure study. The results demonstrate that there is a transition region composed of globally stable (GS) and evolution induced catastrophic (EIC) modes. That is different from a critical threshold as ptedicted by percolation and renormalization group theories. Moreover, the EIC mode shows a distinctive sample specific behaviour. For instance, some neighbouring initial states may evolve into completely different final states, though different initial states can evolve into the same final states. As an example, a marginal configuration of EIC mode, a quast-Fibonacci skeleton, is constructed. A trans-scopic sensitivity of macroscopic failure to slight differentiation in the meso-scopic structure of a system with nonlinear evolution is reported. A periodical chain following a non-local load-sharing evolution was applied as a propotype in failure study. The exemplification that there is a transition region composed of globally stable (GS) and evolution induced catastrophic (EIC) modes. That is different from from a critical threshold as ptedicted by percolation and renormalization group theories. Moreover, the EIC mode shows a distinctive sample specific behavior. For instance, some neighboring initial states may evolve into completely different final states, though different initial states can evolve into the same final states. As an example, a marginal configuration of EIC mode, a quast-Fibonacci skeleton, is constructed.
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