为了更好地做好预防工作,提供可靠的卫生保障,我们对我院2006年全年因呼吸系统疾病住院军人患者进行了分析,现报告如下。1资料1.1资料来源由本院信息科提供1.2统计结果1·2.1人数和时间分布规律从表1中可以看出1、5月份住院患者相对较多(20人次以上)。表1 2006年本院军人呼吸系
In order to better prevent prevention and provide reliable health protection, we conducted an analysis of all hospitalized patients with respiratory diseases in our hospital in 2006, which are reported as follows. 1 Data 1.1 Sources of Information Provided by the Hospital Information Section 1.2 Statistical Results 2.1.1 Rules for the Distribution of Numbers and Time It can be seen from Table 1 that inpatients were relatively more (more than 20) in January and May. Table 1 in 2006 hospital soldiers respiratory system