The reliability of a trunk pipeline is a comprehensive property consisting of a number of individual properties, including no-fault, maintainability, durability, work condition controllability, vitality and safety. The reliability of the operation of the main pipeline depends to a great extent on external conditions: on the one hand, the role of the natural environment; on the other hand, on the capabilities of oil and gas extraction systems and on oil and gas processing systems, and on the requirements of users for transport enterprises. In the design of trunk pipelines, we must conduct a comprehensive analysis of the situation, that not only to study the pipe itself, but also to study the impact of process-related projects on the pipeline. The capacity of the main pipeline, the reliability index of power equipment and maintenance parameters are the forecasting information of the reliability index in the actual design work. When quantifying to the specific design work, it is necessary to consider the analysis of oil and gas stations, the specifications and models of conveying equipment and the connection of conveying equipment The specific characteristics of the mode, if necessary, each station equipment reliability index for the specific and accurate. According to the current reliability design indicators used in Russia, respectively, a series of parameters such as pipeline passing capacity were calculated.