传输控制协议/网间协议 TCP/IPTCP/IP是一种网络通信协议,它规范了网络上的全部通信设备,尤其是规范了一个主机与另一个主机之间数据往来格式及传送方法。它是Intenret的基础协议,也是一种计算机数据打包和寻址的标准方法。 资源共享 resource sharcing 计算机网络的一个主要目标,就是该网上各用户共同享用各种资源,包括处理资源,这就叫资源共享。
Transmission Control Protocol / Internetworking Protocol TCP / IPTCP / IP is a network communication protocol that regulates all communication devices on a network, in particular, the specification of the format and transmission of data between a host and another host. It is the basis of Intenret’s protocol and is a standard method of packaging and addressing computer data. Resource sharing resource sharcing One of the main goals of a computer network is that all users of the Internet share a variety of resources, including the processing of resources, which is called resource sharing.