
来源 :城市与区域规划研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mini8912
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本文认为,针对城市中的微小空间,至关重要的概念是日常生活行为、社会再生产以及社会意义的建构。只有建成环境与社会生活节奏相合拍,才能生发出丰富的意义。从城市居民的视角来看,城市是密集的、复杂的,并由各种矛盾织成具有丰富意义的网络。虽然这些矛盾难解难分,但它们却构成城市美好生活的基础(对普通市民来说,城市是生活的家园和场所,需要的是日常生活的细枝末节、个体生活的基本需求和社会交往以及个人情感、灵魂寄托之处;对开发商来说,城市是寻找商机和利润的机会空间;对政客来说,城市则是权力博弈和交易、是高大上和吸引眼球的大手笔工程项目的实施工地;对于野心家来说,是实现个人雄心抱负和大展宏图并成就伟业的舞台世界——译者注)。遗憾的是,很难将这些意义用战略决策的方式清晰呈现出来,并给人以充分的说服力。因此,当官方规划师和私人投资商们试图通过总体规划和大手笔工程项目改造或重塑城市的形态时,这些意义大多无法体现出来。鉴于这些意义难以表达的原因,城市快速的发展景观目前还是由宏观和中观尺度层面规划主宰。但这却常常导致城市生活空间的异化、更大的杂乱无章、个体生活的迷茫、社会意义的缺失以及社区纽带的撕裂,从而进一步导致地方居民无力对抗蔓延扩散而意气消沉。随之而来的是,许多无权无势的年轻人开始沉迷于毒品、犯罪与暴力等堕落和反城市活动,而他们的生活空间则成了政府和开发商眼中的遗弃社会环境。不管是发达国家还是发展中国家,在今后的几十年,这一问题将日益严峻。其解决之道,首先是城市规划师对小空间尺度日常生活行为的认可和重视。规划过程的至始至终,都必须与相关群体保持开诚布公的协商和沟通。即便如此,鉴于普通市民权力日渐式微,有必要推动市民社会的干预行动,从而促使政府和开发商进行富有诚意的协商沟通,其目标并非是维持现状,而是凸显城市发展的社会过程,从而最大程度减少小空间尺度日常生活的异化,并避免对居民社会空间网络的肆意割裂。 This paper argues that for the tiny spaces in the city, the crucial concepts are the behavior of daily life, the reproduction of society and the construction of social significance. Only built environment and the rhythm of social life in order to give birth to a rich sense. From the perspective of urban residents, cities are dense and complex, and various kinds of contradictions are woven into a network with rich meaning. Although these contradictions are inextricably linked, they constitute the basis for a better life in the city (for ordinary citizens, the city is the home and place of life, the details of daily life, the basic needs of individual life, social interaction and personal feelings , The soul of sustenance; for developers, the city is looking for business opportunities and profit opportunities for space; for politicians, the city is the power of gaming and trading, is a tall and eye-catching project of the implementation of large projects; for Ambassadors, is to achieve individual ambitions and grandiose ambitions and achievements of great career world - Translator’s Note). Unfortunately, it is difficult to make these meanings clearly presented in a strategic decision-making manner and provide sufficient persuasion. Therefore, most of these meanings can not be realized when official planners and private investors attempt to reshape or reshape urban forms through master plans and generous engineering projects. In view of the reasons why these meanings are difficult to express, the rapid urban development landscape is still dominated by macro- and meso-scale planning. However, this often leads to alienation of urban living space, greater disorganization, confusion of individual life, lack of social significance and the tearing of community ties, thereby further depressing the inability of local inhabitants to confront and spread the epidemic. What followed was that many powerless young people began to indulge in degenerative and anti-urban activities such as drugs, crimes and violence, and their living space became an abandoned social environment in the eyes of governments and developers. Whether developed countries or developing countries, this issue will become more and more serious in the coming decades. The solution is, first and foremost, the recognition and emphasis given by urban planners to the daily behavior of small spaces. Throughout the planning process, all parties must maintain open and honest consultation and communication. Even so, in view of the declining power of ordinary citizens, it is necessary to promote civil society intervention so as to encourage the government and developers to conduct sincere consultations and consultations. The objective is not to maintain the status quo but to highlight the social process of urban development and thus the maximum To reduce the alienation of daily life on a small scale and to avoid wanton separation of the residents’ social space network.
很多人一旦发生胸部疼痛,就会一下子紧张起来,怀疑自己是不是得了心肌梗死。然而,大家不知道,还有一种引起胸痛的疾病比心肌梗死还要凶险,它就是主动脉夹层。  老王今年51岁,患有高血压病。晚上22点钟洗完澡后,老王突发持续性胸背痛,大汗淋漓,坐立不安,家属立即把他送到北京天坛医院看急诊。由于老王的心电图表现不是典型的心肌梗死图形,但又无法排除心肌梗死,心内科医生为老王行冠状动脉造影检查,但却未发现异常