研究和试验表明 ,两种获得专利的水轮机设计可以相对高效地利用海流发电 ,这两种水轮机分别称之为“螺旋状”水轮机和“中心开敞”式水轮机 .这两项技术都可以在水下某一固定地区放置多台水轮机及与之相连的发电机 .a .螺旋状水轮机 .螺旋状水轮机有时也称为“戈洛夫”(Gor
Research and testing have shown that two patented turbine designs can make efficient use of ocean currents for power generation, which are called “helical” turbines and “open center” turbines, respectively. Both of these technologies are available in water Under a fixed area to place more than one turbine and connected to the generator.a spiral turbine. Helical turbine is sometimes referred to as “Gorof” (Gor