“2003年春夏Pan Textiles大阪展”于2003年4月15日至17日在日本大阪市中央区举行。其中展出了各类布辅料、成衣及纺织饰品。日本国民总所得(GNP)高达4兆5千亿美元,是排名全世界前数名的经济体之一。日本每年进口纺织品金额高达250亿美元,是世界最大纺织品进口国之一。无论从日本广大的纺织品消费市场规模、纺织品进口关税合理以及免进口配额限制等各种观点来看,均是我国纺织业界应积极拓展的重要市场。
“The 2003 Spring / Summer Pan Textiles Osaka Show” was held in Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan from April 15 to April 17, 2003. Among them are all kinds of cloth accessories, garments and textile accessories. Japan’s GNP is as high as 4 trillion U.S. dollars, making it one of the top-ranked economies in the world. Japan imports up to 25 billion U.S. dollars each year in textile imports, making it one of the largest textile importing countries in the world. Regardless of the vast size of Japan’s textile consumption market, reasonable tariffs on textile imports and import quota restrictions and other points of view, all are important markets for our textile industry to actively expand.