声光可调谐滤波器(AOTF)是波分复用(WDM)网络中的关键器件之一,它的一个重要技术指标是中心波长的稳定性。针对以LiNbO_3为基底的集成光学AOTF。从理论上分析了它的中心波长随温度的漂移,计算表明该漂移值达0.8 um/℃。设计制作了一套高性能的比例、积分、微分(PID)温度控制系统,实际测定了AOTF系统的温度特性。结果表明,论计算和实验完全一致。利用这套系统,成功地将AOTF的温度控制在±0.1℃,将中心波长的漂移控制在±0.08um的范围内,保证了器件在光纤通讯系统中的实际应用。
Acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) is one of the key devices in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks. One of its key specifications is the stability of the center wavelength. For the LiNbO_3-based integrated optical AOTF. From the theoretical analysis of its center wavelength with the temperature drift, the calculation shows that the drift value of 0.8 um / ℃. A set of high performance proportional, integral and derivative (PID) temperature control system was designed and manufactured, and the actual temperature characteristics of AOTF system were measured. The results show that the calculation and experiment are exactly the same. With this system, the temperature of AOTF is successfully controlled to ± 0.1 ℃ and the center wavelength drift is controlled within ± 0.08um, which ensures the practical application of the device in the optical fiber communication system.