
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:su18tt
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〔目的〕探讨开展肠线虫感染病情的纵向监测、规模性防治的方法。〔方法〕本文总结了连续八年对农村居民肠线虫病的监测与防治对策研究。〔结果〕(1)车站乡三官庙村、阳丰乡罗李村、沈寨乡魏庄村三个监测点肠线虫感染率分别从 1995年的 6 4 .81%、6 4 .78%和 6 5 .89%降至 2 0 0 2年的 2 .2 7%、2 .13%和 4 .16 % ,下降速度最快的虫种是蛔虫 ,2 0 0 2年三个点均为零感染率。 (2 )在同等条件下开展健康教育和未开展的试点对比 ,前者下降速度快于后者。 (3)每年对感染率较高的且易造成重点感染的小学生加强选择性化疗一次。比浪费人力物力每年粪检普查后对阳性者选择性化疗措施下降速度更为显著 ,两者对比从 1995年的感染率前者偏高 (78.82 % )后者偏低 (6 4 .81% ) ,至 2 0 0 2年感染率前者低于后者 (1.2 7%和 3.5 1% ) ,二者具有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。 (4 )实施卫生目标责任制制度 ,在感染率相同 (χ2 =0 .0 5 7,P>0 .0 5 ) ,防治措施相同的两个点对比 ,实施者感染率呈逐年稳定下降趋势 ,后者除全民化疗年有大幅度下降外 ,其它年度感染率持平甚至有出现回升年 ,针对回升年采取全民化疗措施 ,虽然感染率降至较低水平 ,但与实施卫生目标责任制且不进行全民化疗的村相比 ,感染率仍具有显著性差异 ,χ2 = [Objective] To explore the method of longitudinal monitoring and scale prevention and control of intestinal nematode infection. 〔Methods〕 This article summarizes the eight consecutive years of intestinal nematode disease monitoring and prevention and treatment of rural residents. 〔Results〕 (1) The rates of intestinal nematode infection in three monitoring sites, Sanganmiao Village, Yangfeng Township, Luozhai Village and Shenyang Shenzhai Township, were respectively from 6.41% and 64.78% in 1995 and 6.59% to 2.2 7%, 2.13% and 4.16% in 2002. The worms with the fastest decline rate were roundworms. All three points in 2002 were zero Infection rate. (2) In the same conditions to carry out health education and unparalleled pilot comparison, the former declines faster than the latter. (3) Intensive selective chemotherapy is once a year for primary students who have a high infection rate and are likely to cause major infections. The declining rate of selective chemotherapeutic measures for positive patients after the census of excrement was more significant than the waste of manpower and material resources. The comparison between the two shows that the rate of decline of the former is high (78.82%) and the latter is low (64.48%) from 1995, The former was lower than the latter (1.2 7% and 3.5 1%) by 2002, with significant difference (P <0.01). (4) The implementation of the responsibility system of health goals, the infection rate was the same (x2 = 0.07, P> 0.05), control measures at the same two points compared to the implementation of the infection rate showed a steady downward trend year by year, In addition to the latter with a substantial reduction in the annual national chemotherapy, the other annual infection rates were flat or even rebound, taking the national chemotherapy for the recovery year, although the infection rate dropped to a low level, but with the implementation of the health responsibility system and not Compared with the whole village chemotherapy, the infection rate still has significant difference, χ2 =