谢朝阳国安精神 效力球队:北京国安 队位置:后卫号码:3 从1994年职业联赛起我就一直随着国安队征战,是目前在队中效力时间 最长的一名老队员了。作为国安队的队长,又是年轻队员的“老大哥”,我很清楚自己的情绪变化对其他队员的影响是很大的,尤其是在足球场上,我?
Xie Chaoyang National Security team: Beijing Guoan Position: Guard Number: 3 1994 from the League since I have been playing with the national security team, is currently the most effective in the team an old team member. As Guo’an team captain, but also a young member of the “Big Brother”, I am very aware of their emotional changes on the impact of other players is great, especially in the football field, I?