
来源 :园林 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yulu0355
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为更深入了解园林行业从业者职业生涯的发展道路,本刊访谈了五位年轻的园林人,他们从事的专业领域不尽相同,但都经历了高校毕业——就业择业——初步发展的过程。通过他们的经历,我们可以窥见当前园林行业中青年们的成才过程。 In order to understand more about the career path of gardening industry practitioners, we interviewed five young gardeners who engaged in different fields of specialization but all went through the process of graduation from college-employment-preliminary development . Through their experience, we can get a glimpse of the current success of the garden industry young people.