64位计算,革命乎?革新乎?——浅述AMD x86-64结构

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64位技术的推出有其特定的背景。由于高性能服务器、数据库管理系统、电脑辅助设计工具,以及数字内容创作工具等应用方案均需要处理大量数据及占用存储器大量地址,因此为了满足这类应用方案的需要,64位技术便应运而生。虽然市场对高端产品的需求日益增加,而技术发展亦一日千里,令64位运算的梦想得以实现,但预计即使在多年之后整个业界亦未必会全面采用64位运算架构。预计在未来一段颇长的时间内大部分用户仍将继续使用现有的32位系统及应用程序,但有关系统的处理器必须不断升级,而系统性能亦需不断提升才能满足用户的需要。目前许多x86工作站及服务器用户正面对一个难于取舍的局面:究竟如何可以一方面改用64位运算,而另一方面又能沿用他们一向熟习的代码基础及工具,保障这方面的投资。处理器制造商面对的挑战是如何可以在体谅客户困难的精神下为其提供64位的处理器,而同时又能确保32位的技术换代更早完成,更符合成本效益。可惜,部分处理器制造商所构思的64位解决方案迫使客户改用新架构,放弃旧架构,造成诸多不便及很大的浪费,大幅增加技术换代的开支。AMD对64位运算的策略更直接简单,只将x86架构扩展,以便支持64位运算,放弃为求全面过渡而采用不兼容的指令集。平台供应商、开发商、 The introduction of 64-bit technology has its own specific background. Applications like high-performance servers, database management systems, computer-aided design tools, and digital content authoring tools all need to handle huge amounts of data and take up a lot of memory addresses, so to meet the needs of such applications 64-bit technology comes into being . Despite the increasing demand for high-end products in the market and the rapid development of technology, the dream of 64-bit computing can be realized. However, it is estimated that the entire industry may not fully adopt the 64-bit computing architecture even after many years. Most users are expected to continue using the existing 32-bit systems and applications for a long time to come. However, system-related processors must be continuously upgraded and the system performance needs to be continuously improved to meet users’ needs. At present, many x86 workstations and server users are facing a difficult situation: how to use 64-bit computing on the one hand, and on the other hand, they can use the familiar code base and tools to protect their investment. The challenge for processor makers is how to deliver a 64-bit processor in a hands-on spirit, while ensuring that 32-bit technology can be replaced earlier and more cost-effectively. Unfortunately, the 64-bit solution conceived by some processor manufacturers is forcing customers to switch to the new architecture, abandoning the old architecture, causing a lot of inconvenience and great waste, and drastically increasing the cost of technology replacement. AMD’s approach to 64-bit computing is straightforward and extends only the x86 architecture to support 64-bit computing and discourages the use of incompatible instruction sets for a complete transition. Platform providers, developers,
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