1 教材分析1.1 教材整体感知“平面直角坐标系”一章的编排体例、呈现形式及课时数量都较集中地反映了人教版课标教材的编写特色——平面直角坐标系不再是仅仅为引入“函数及其图象”才介绍的工具,而是真正的“沟通数与形的桥梁”.本章被安排在七年级下册,较传统教材该内容的出现时间
1 Textbook Analysis 1.1 The overall perception of teaching materials “plane rectangular coordinate system ” chapter layout, presentation and number of class hours are more concentrated to reflect the characteristics of the preparation of the textbook version of teaching standards - the plane rectangular coordinate system is no longer Just introduce the “function and its image ” tool introduced, but the real “communication bridge between number and shape”. This chapter is arranged in the seventh grade, compared to the time of the content of the traditional textbook