1937年抗日战争爆发后,浙江绝大部分地方先后遭到了日寇铁蹄的践踏,其中,最富庶的杭嘉湖地区和宁绍地区沦陷长达八年和五年之久。在浙江沦陷区,日本帝国主义不仅在政治上、军事上实行了绝对统治,而且建立起殖民地金融体系,采取各种手段对金融业进行严厉的统治。除了随军侵入的横滨正金银行、台湾银行等日商银行外,他们用“以华制华”的策略,扶植了汪伪中央储备银行在浙江的支行及各办事处,同时,还积极扶植、推动其他商业性行庄的创设和复业。但是,所有的中方银行、钱庄及合作社等金融机构,从机构的设立、行址的选择到营业规模、范围、具体内容等等一切行动无不在其严密操纵、监视之下。他们因侵略需要,可以随心所欲地到银行强行借贷、透支或任意提取现金。日本侵略者一方面靠刺刀和严刑峻法,利用伪政府和储备银行强制取缔并廉价收兑国民党旧法币,大力推行储备券,使储备券成为浙江沦陷区唯一的通货,以便彻底控制和垄断沦陷区的货币金融。另一方面,又利用收兑来的旧法币到国民党统治区或游击区掠夺、套购军需物资和土特产,以发展敌伪工商业,扩大军工生产,达到“以战养战”的目的。 此组史料选自浙江省档案馆馆藏档案,它从几个侧面详细反映了日本帝国主义统治浙江金融的具体情况,对研究浙江地方史及金融史?
After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1937, most parts of Zhejiang were trampled on by the Japanese invaders, of which the most affluent Hangchow and Ningshao areas occupied for eight years and five years. In the enemy-occupied area of Zhejiang, Japanese imperialism not only imposed absolute political and military rule, but also established a colonial financial system and adopted various means to exercise strict control over the financial industry. In addition to the Japanese banks such as Yokohama Prime Bank, Bank of Taiwan and other banks that invaded with the army, they used the strategy of “using China to make China” to foster branches and offices of the Puppet Central Reserve Bank in Zhejiang province. At the same time, Promote the creation and restoration of other commercial practices. However, all the Chinese banks, banks and cooperatives and other financial institutions, from the establishment of institutions, the choice of location to the scale of operations, scope, specific content, and so all the actions are all under its rigorous manipulation and monitoring. Because of their aggression, they can arbitrarily borrow money from banks, overdraft or arbitrarily withdraw cash. On the one hand, the Japanese invaders resorted to the use of bayonets and harsh punishments to forcibly ban and exchange cheaply the old Kuomintang coins by using the pseudo-government and the Reserve Bank and vigorously promoted reserve vouchers to make the reserve vouchers the sole currency in the enemy-occupied areas in Zhejiang in order to completely control and monopolize the fall District of monetary finance. On the other hand, they also resorted to using the old legal currency of redemption to plunder the Kuomintang areas or guerrilla zones and procured and purchased supplies and souvenirs for the purpose of developing hostile commerce, expanding military production and achieving the purpose of “fighting war with war.” This group of historical materials is selected from archives of Zhejiang Provincial Archives. From several aspects, it reflects in detail the specific circumstances of Japanese financial domination by Zhejiang imperialists and the local history and financial history of Zhejiang.